The Strike Point
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Re: Views on this board
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I agree, all of a sudden the views took off. Couple things come to mind...

First, maybe they were inaccurate in the past and something was changed to show the correct numbers?
Second, maybe a spider is hitting the threads over and over harvesting email addresses for SPAM purposes?
Third, maybe something recently changed in that the strikepoint has been promoted somewhere that it wasn't in the past, and it's drawing more people to it?
Fourth, maybe As the World Turns was canceled and people turned to the strikepoint for their soap opera needs?

If you think about it, 1000 views on a thread isn't really that much considering the entire internet.

Has there been any increase in traffic to the club web site? That could indicate an increased interest. Maybe there is increased international viewers?


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over 1000 on your Hay Stupid posting
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