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Re: Norm, I know you are a proud grandpapa........

Jim, I ride a bike with my daughter now and then. Two miles is tough and pedaling into a 10-15 MPH wind wears me out. I can only imagine trying to bicycle into a 30-40 MPH wind. I am picking them up in San Diego and I might do the last 15 miles with them just to see what 1% of their trip is like. I haven't decided yet whether I should and I hope someone discourages me from doing it.

Messages In This Thread

My Grandsons Aaron and Andrew Clem
Re: My Grandsons Aaron and Andrew Clem
Re: My Grandsons Aaron and Andrew Clem
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Norm, these reports
These are great, Norm!! grin
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Norm, I know you are a proud grandpapa............
Re: Norm, I know you are a proud grandpapa........
Re: Norm, I know you are a proud grandpapa........
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg