I may be wrong, but I believe the Silver Strikers Club members voted the TEN DOLLAR Treasure Island Sirens strike as SOTY.
The reason the $200 TI strike was donated to the at the 2005
convention banquet is because CC & GTCC members voted the $200 Sirens strike as SSOTY. In other words, for the benefit of newcomers here, there were two separate contests. One by Silver Strikers in which the $10 strike was voted best and the contest by
in which the $200 was voted best (SSOTY). (BTW) The Silver Strike club website 2004 SOTY winner is incorrect. It shows an image of the $10 Treasure Island Sirens (which is correct)... but in the description is incorrectly described as being the $200 strike.
Lastly, you posted; "Oh and by the way, no one ever said that my wife was at deaths door, I can't believe how heartless this group really is!" Jerry; That annonymous post by an alleged former Silver Striker does not reflect accurately on "this heartess group". It reflects upon a single ignorant heartless individual who lacked the courage to post his/her name or email address.