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In need of Bad River Casino Silver Strikes

Hi fellow Collectors;

I am looking for any of the following Silver Strikes from the Bad River Casino:

Bad River Casino, Odanah, WI
Cards and Cherries Big Tree GDC Rim Retired
Cards and Cherries Medicine Crow GDC Rim Retired
Cards and Cherries Satanta GDC Rim Retired
Cards and Cherries Geronimo GDC Rim Retired
Cards and Cherries Sitting Bull GDC Rim Retired

Logo 2 Feathers Satanta GDC .999 Inside Retired
Logo 2 Feathers Geronimo GDC .999 Inside Retired

Logo 2 Feathers Geronimo S Inside

Logo 2 Feathers Horses GDC .999 inside

Thanks in advance,


Copyright 2022 David Spragg