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Spring Shows

The Spring Collectibles Shows will soon be upon us.

The decision that the dealer must make is which one if not all will yield the most advantage in terms of income and attendance. Dealers are needed to fuel the passion of collectors. Conversing face to face with a dealer, in my opinion, is a much better way to do business. Connections are made, and friendships are possible. Online sites offer a greater avenue to market many items but the absence of human contact makes this a cold transaction. Clearly the hobbyist is the overall winner. The more Shows the better for all involved.

All the upcoming shows have different objectives, some look at as a money-making event while others look for a broader approach. I am not able to judge what the motives of other shows are but to state that our show is striving to improve the hobby and the inclusion of many other types of hobbies. Our Show’s objective is to bring together many forms of hobbies to perpetuate the field of collecting. Many Clubs are losing members, and we feel that this type of show will create awareness and increase participation.

The LVABCC/SNCCC Show offers some unique dealer advantages. Admission is free for attendees. This is a great advantage as there is no hindrance to attending and with the casino's location, walk-in traffic will be a great benefit.

We estimate a total attendance of over 1800 attendees. We offer 6 distinct hobbies with the common thread of Collecting. Many attendees have more than one hobby, and we offer a glimpse into different types of hobbies. Our dealer rates are the lowest on any Spring Show schedule.

Our Show features 99 tables in an 11,500-square-foot room located in a casino. Social media is being heavily used to promote the Show as well as print ads and Internet websites.

Our Show Chairs interact frequently with our dealers as well as our attendees to ensure a friendly and knowledgeable experience. The showroom is easily accessible, which includes restroom and dining options and have contracted with Gold Coast Management for a special room block rate.

Speaking about the future, we are in communication with other Clubs to join together to enlarge our Shows. We are not looking to merge with any Club but just form a partnership to promote Shows of the many hobbies that are in existence.

Please feel free to contact me with any comments and details at (720-939-2848)

Jerry Vergatos
Show Co-Chair

Copyright 2022 David Spragg