The Strike Point
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Re: yahoo!!!!!!
In Response To: yahoo!!!!!! ()

Well Mr Corn, it is obvious you do not know me or at least not very well. I don't dilute my Jack with coke.

You are of course welcome to email me any time and I always try to answer questions as best I can.

There will be .999 silver back in the machines at the 4 Queens. If things go as planned it will be by Halloween. Also I hope the Plaza got a wake up when this past weekend when they put old .999 silver in their machines they got a boat load of play from strike collectors. Be really nice if they brought back some silver.

And since I don't like communicating behind a screen I expect this will be the last reply to a fake named posted. Don't be afraid to use your real name.


Messages In This Thread

Re: yahoo!!!!!!
Re: yahoo!!!!!!
Re: yahoo!!!!!!
Re: Right as always…
Re: Right as always…

Copyright 2022 David Spragg