A shout out to ya Jim.. Hey
Stayin safe here in the Midwest
Weather's great, Daffodils in full bloom.
Birds are doing their mating courtships.
I'm working on my new "Strike" Holder Books...
Nothing but time on our hands, trying to stay busy.
We're not sure if we got a dose of the Corona in LV from attending the late January FQ Tournament because we both got bad colds/ sicknesses @ 5 days after returning to home in early Feb. We were sick for over a wk, headaches, feverish etc. Hind sight tells me I think it was already in LV due to all the Asian Players From outta town.
only time will tell, waiting for them to come up with the antibodies tests...
Gabe Dobos
On The Detroit River
CCA 4143 LM 180
SS 703