Well after a 11 years absence from being able to attend the tournaments due to work and family stuff I want to say.
A big thank you to Shawn at the 4 Queens for continuing all the tournaments for our Club. Where would we be without his continued support.
Also I want to send a big thank you to our Club President Mr. Jeff Bitzer for his continued pokes and down right harassment to make sure I was attending this time. And ALL of that harassment comes from our great LONG time relationship as friends. I could go on but somehow I am quite sure Jeff has the same relationship with everyone. Well, those that will tolerate Jeff, LOL . Thank you Jeff, you are the best.
And to the sweetest gal Jo, we finally got to meet up after so much emailing back and forth. You are surly just one of the many best assets this Club can have. I look so forward to any future dealings of what ever we do together. I know you will help me mutter through all my computer glitches. Great to meet the man (your hubby) who gets to have you in his life.
And Al, now what can I say about you. So nice to actually meet up in person and visit. Though you are so much older than I am (inside joke) and a bit rounder. Meeting you was wonderful. And it was so apparent the Club loves you as well. Only thing I wish was that I could have met your blushing bride so I could meet someone who cold put up with you 24 / 7 --- 365 .
Thank you Al, a pleasure meeting you.
And to my very old (in time not age) friend John Lauderdale, it was so great to hook up again and catch up on old times. Thanks for the trade and I look very much forward to texting and chatting in our futures. May they be long and prosperous.
And to everyone else, what a great time I had visiting with each and every one of you. Some long time past Club members and a bunch of you newer members I had never met. Such a great pleasure an so much fun.
Thank you all,