Yes, for sure sometimes these can get costly. But so does the quest for the new strikes from the 4 QQQQ's or any other casino we play for strikes at. I to enjoy playing for strikes when I can. But for me work keeps me home bound and I don't get to LV often. So this it why you find me here on the board quite a bit. And it does pay off. Just last week I was able to make a trade from one of my wanted postings. In that case someone got some strikes they really wanted and I received a super cool silver casino token. I have 1000's of strike available for trade for casino silver tokens I can use.
I enjoyed playing in the tournaments at the 4 QQQQ's in the past. Such a great time is had by all. Many thanks to the 4 QQQQ's for hosting all the tournaments over the years and coming out with so many great strikes.