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OTY 2016, and away we go!.... Voting now!...

Voting is now open for the 2016 OTY Awards. Included here are the top ten Nominees for Chip of the Year (COTY), Silver Strike of the Year (SSOTY) and Slot Card/Room Key of the Year (CKOTY). Token of the Year (TOTY) remains on hiatus.

Imaged here are all 30 Nominees, in their respective groups of 10 for each category. Every member in good standing in the ccgtcc (doing business as CCA) is entitled to vote on their favorites. I am still working on the Official Ballot, however, voting is still permitted, as follows:

1. Select your top 3 Nominees in each category.

2. Notify me by email ( of those selections in a format that tells me your 1st, 2nd and 3rd pick, separately in each of the 3 categories. Just use the letter designators for each selection, in the order of 1st, 2nd and 3rd. You do NOT have to pick 3 in each category, nor do you need to pick in all 3 categories. However, keep in mind that a 1st place vote provides 5 points, a 2nd place vote yields 3 points and a 3rd place vote gives 2 points.

3. Include your name and Membership number.

Here are the CKOTY Nominees:

Here are the SSOTY Nominees:

Here are the COTY Nominees:

Please keep your submissions simple, for example:

John Doe, R-8888




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OTY 2016, and away we go!.... Voting now!...
Voting closes May 31st, midnight PT...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg