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Help needed! OTY "loaners" wanted...

So, what's an "OTY Loaner"? Allow me to explain...

Each year at the Convention the OTY Chairman presents a Non-Competitive Exhibit that showcases all of the top ten OTY Nominees from each of the 3 OTY categories. As the OTY Chairman, I do not always have all of the Nominees in my possession (collection) and I therefore ask for the assistance of Club members to loan me any and all of the Nominees so that I can put them on display.

Loaners will be returned following the conclusion of the Convention and I will need to take possession of loaners on or before Wednesday, June 19th.

As in previous years, I am also looking for donors to the Club's Permanent Collection of All Past OTY Award Winners. If you are interested in pledging, the as-of-yet undeclared, 2011 winning OTY Awardee, then please contact me as soon as possible to finalize arrangements. There is a pecking order in how pledges are accepted and this year an early pledge (sight unseen) for the COTY and CKOTY winners has been made by Larry and Alice Kopp.

My Thanks go to Alice and Larry Koop to donate whichever COTY and CKOTY Nominee becomes the winning entrants!

Still available are offers to donate the winning SSOTY entrant!

But this post is mostly about the Loaner needs.

If you are interested in loaning any of the OTY Nominees, as seen at the links here:

please respond here or via email ( ). Offers are accepted on a first in, first accepted basis, however, individual offers can be superceded by a singular, "I will loan all of them" offer.

"Loaners" can be hand delivered to me on Wednesday, during set-up at the Convention or by snail mail to a Las Vegas address to be provided.

Please use the following link to consider pledging the donation of a winning Nominee:

Lastly, there is still time to cast a ballot in voting on the OTY Awards, as previosuly announced and described at this link:
For your viewing pleasure:

Here are the 2012 CKOTY Nominees!

Here are the 2012 SSOTY Nominees!

Here are the 2012 COTY Nominees!

Please use the links above to better view all the candidates!

Messages In This Thread

Help needed! OTY "loaners" wanted...
SSOTY Nominees A - J are pledged!....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg