Jon - I have followed your post from the begining and I think perhaps you got up on the wrong side of the bed the day you made your post, it would seem you are the one being rude and not the strike collectors. I guess if you would see me playing the machines for sometimes a couple of hours at one sitting and think I am rude but you don't have any idea that perhaps I was playing to get the strikes to trade for a $300 (it takes a fair amount of time to win 30 to trade in plus any red or blue caps) or be playing for other people you couldn't be there at the time. I have never had a problem with collectors or non collectors who play for long perods of time, I will just sit and watch and talk with the other players and enjoy the time spent with silver strike collectors or the members of the silver strikers club who I think are some of the nicest folks around.
Take the time to Join or Club and have some fun. You can find out how to join on our web site and tell them I sent you to join.
Walt SS-177