Hi Michael,
I've been out of town, so I haven't had a chance to chime in here on your many threads, but I would like to now. There are some things you should consider before being too hard on the folks here for not buying your strikes or for mentioning protocol. I am a newer member to the Silver Strikers Club, have only been a member for about four years but have learned a bunch from this board. Primarily this board is a way for collectors and club members to share their experiences and buy/sell/trade with each other rather than having to go the eBay route ever time.
One of the reasons you may not be getting a lot of favorable responses is that nobody needs the items you are selling for the price you are asking for them. Don't take that wrong, I just mean a lot of collectors have the common strikes and we got them way cheaper when either silver was lower or we won them. I am a silver strike collector and as such have a list of strikes that I will buy and pay a premium for to add to my collection. Then, I will pick up a backup strike of ones I like for the right price, usually less than I paid for the first one. When it comes to getting three or more of the exact same strike, then I guess you could say I am more price conscious ... maybe even a bullion buyer. I think that may be the case here, I have purchased strikes since $40/oz silver for less than $12 each in the past 6 months, so have other people. I'm not melting them, they are future trading stock, but for me to go three of four or whatever deep on common designs, they have to be cheap. Otherwise I (and may COLLECTORS) are not interested.
Secondly, a lot of the folks here have met each other, hung out at the conventions and done business for a long time. I've bought strikes from a bunch of the guys that made comments on your posts. Warren, Walt and Dave (sorry if I left someone out) are good guys. They are telling it to you like is. If you met them at the conventions or tournaments and then read their comments, you would know they are just trying to help explain your frustration and follow StrikePoint protocol. Also, some of the guys here have thousands of strikes and have paid so much less than face for so many, that really they are not jealous of someone else getting a deal. They are trying to protect the integrity of the board and they folks who read it. Any strike that I want that they list here for a fair price (always more than melt unfortunately ), I have no problem buying from them and I get exactly what they described. So, when collectors want certain items or just commons, there are a lots of guys like them we have become comfortable buying from. Heck, we even buy stuff from Kirk (onemadlush - sorry Kirk, couldn't resist
) You are new to the Strike Point, maybe you need to get to know us just a first. Oh, and yes, scammers and cheats have visited us. So, we do like to caution newer visitors.
Good luck selling the items, feel free to post here and maybe after you get to know some of us, you'll actually enjoy the board.