Rich - Bottom line is the board waited until the last day they could place the strike order and at that time only 49 or 50 coins had been pre ordered so they ordered 100 which was twice as many as what had been pre ordered and even at the June tournament and club meeting there were still 25 unsold so you and the other few people who say they had wanted one could have ordered one. Thinking back I don't recall that a mintage number was ever given out prior to the ordering but I might be wrong and if somebody nows for sure that the mintage nubers were made public before they were ordered than I will stand corrected on that. At the meeting there were folks who bought 1 or 2 extras just to see them sold. They didn't want to sit on 100 or so unsold coins like in years past. Members had more than enough time to pre order a coin but did bother to do so.
It is what it is and if you want to change things do like I said before step up and take the presidents job and the talk your board members into minting how ever many club strikes you want and then deal with a bunch that go unsold like in the past for along period of time.
Last point, I would bet if silver continues going up and gets over $50.00 darn few members would want to pay $60 to $75 for a club strike so there just might not be a club strike next year, only time will tell.