I Just have to jump into the fray!! Low Mintage? Hmmmm? seen this happen before. The tournament 3oz. coin a while back -34 lucky people were contacted and got their extras gold plated? I was'nt offered or contacted to have the chance to plate mine? now I know the plating was'nt "club sponcered"- but the out come has the same results. Ill feelings.... I sometimes get my club coin 2 or 3 years out due to personal money issues or lack of action on my part , but an ultra low mintage is a whole other deal ? I couldn't attend the convention 3yrs in a row several years back, and when I did attend, I play catch up and purchace things missed including club coins, To me there is no reason to under order an item for club sales, unless the club is finacially in distress, carrying the Xtra coins year to year is the same as all the other promotional items, "tee shirts or wooden nickles' they're an overhead factored into the finacial books. Ya do it cuz you can afford it.. and profit now or later by doing it!!
Did this rant - cover everything. HEE HEE
Wish I was in Vegas, Ps- missed this years convention fun
Gabe - Sweltering on the Detroit River - Grosse Ile, Michigan