George, no I did not find any more strikes. The new scans you see that Jim Quinn uploaded were scans I had made before I sent out the strikes to the guys who had bought them before you asked for them. I am busy so it took me some time to send them to Jim for uploading is why the delay. I am almost done pulling out 56 of the same strikes from the same scans that another collector wants. If he wants to jump in I will leave that up to him. I have nothing against you and if I had the strikes you wanted I would be more than happy to sell them to you. I am not holding out on you for the best buck I could make. You along with anyone else. I don't have a price guide for non Nevada strikes so if I sold any that were rare or hard to get, well then someone got a good deal. Oh, and also as for the scanning I am doing it so as to help the clubs web site. I get nothing for doing this, I do it so everyone in the future can see a scan of misc. strikes. Of the 56 strikes I will be sending out I have yet to scan 15 of those so they can be added to the clubs web site. So you will be seeing more scans as time goes along. I am sure you know it takes a bit of time to look up strikes to see if they are scanned for the web site. Then it takes more time to scan both sides of each strike. And even more time to copy and send to Jim. A labor or enjoyment for me to share for all to enjoy.
I told you if I find the strikes you wanted I would let you know. I have not let you know I found more because I did not. I am just slow and also busy with other things in life. Such as playing with my grandsons this past couple of weeks.
They are super important to me so striking can wait for another day.
Regards and Happy New Year,