Hi David - I've been wondering the same thing. As a buyer, I can say I would have very little interest in one pound silver strike for $450 unless it was a really special strike. Problem I have is I never minded paying $280-300 for a $200 because it seemed a reasonable amount over spot silver to pay. Anything over $15 silver and I was paying less than $100 premium at $280 for the strike. But even at $21/oz silver, a $300 one pounder is almost $150 over spot. There are other silver items I like better (including $7,$10,$20,$28,$40 strikes) that have a much lower premium. And there are still a bunch of $200 strikes I don't have yet. Some of the more advanced collectors may already have all the old stuff so I'd be interested to hear their viewpoint.
That being said... I will still play for the $300. It will have to be one I like before I cough up thirty hard earned $10's, but I'm sure the casinos will come up with some creative ideas.