If I am not mistaken, when the Palms had their Tournament, didn't Craig Karnatowski put the Dates, Times and Cost right here on Strikepoint, he did not put it on or list it on the Club Website. It is different if one of the club officers were to put that on the club site as an advisor of upcoming happenings, but I have to agree with Mike, that information should be listed on this BB for all to read without having to go through Adobe Reader to get the information. Not all who have computers are considered experts on how to download or where to get the downloads! If that advertisement was posted at no charge to the Four Queens then, "What is good for one, should be good for all!" There is no doubt that the Four Queens is continuing on with the Silver Strike Program and it is greatly appreciated by all collectors of Silver Strikes, but keep in mind, if they were not making money on this, it would also be gone just like all of the other Casino's did. When this club and it's cliques start doing things for all members as it should be done and certain members/people stop getting preferential treatment and looking to benefit themselves, then I feel that things will start to turn around, to benefit all of it's members!