come on someone help mike out!!! 808 i think they are being nice the last time i was there from what i seen i would do away with the program!!(like all the other casinos) when people line up for the strikes there is a big sign do not seat in seats unless your are playing sots i counted 42 silverstrikers sitting in those slots and witness and older lady that would not move for a paying customer i couldnt belive what i was watching i and i see the frustration on the employees that have to deal with some of the silver strikers not saying this to be rude it is the truth i think we as silverstikers need to be more resectful so the least would could do is give them some free adds again you can try to make anything sound so big and so important but the plain truth is is not. has anyone else witness this going on and we wonder why!! plain truth my friends they are doing some of us a favor maybe not you your not a collecter!! but me they are!!