Hi Dave,
Over the years, I have had strikes from assorted casinos that were partially
frosted, and think I may still have some stashed away. They were really no
big ticket strikes, a few bucks over the none frosted strikes.
You refer to the Palms and frosted strikes. The 2 frosted strikes from the
Palms are the following:
#1 - Draculina - Halloween 2005 (PT)
#2 - Sorcelita - Halloween 2005 (PT)
Both of those strikes are "prototypes" - basically 1 each. I have never seen
either up for sale. They were assigned numbers in the catalog like you do
with casino chips in the "Chip Rack", and with no sale prior sales to go by,
they were given an estimated $1250+ value in the price reference guide as
I am sure is done on some of your Z 1-9 values on some of the chips .....
Hope that helps,
Al Varelas / USMC