I resently had a running conversation with the creator of one of the several catalogs on silver strikes. I asked him why he had not included the O'Shea's Hand Pay. His answer was that people had suggested that he not include it because it was not won from a strike machine.
My answer here is to anyone who cares to answer this question. If that is your view, then why include any of the new selection of $200 strikes?
Most if not all have not been won from the machines but traded for by trading in 20 $10 silver strikes or 5 $40 or whatever.
If you are not going to include one type of silver strike that is not won from a slot machine then maybe one should not include any silver strike that is not won from the slot machine, like most of the $200 strikes. How many of you out there who collect $200 strikes have a $200 that they have won and not traded? My same way of thinking also includes the two O'Shea's Tournament silver strikes.