Jim, I think you're just looking for a fight to pass the time away. I also don't think you really practice what you are preaching here. All this is OK because that's the fun of a Message Board.
Are you going to tell me, if someone bid $300 and won one of your items, you didn't hear from him for 10 days and can't contact him, and he has a feedback rating of 2, that you'd just about be ready to call it a lost cause?...or maybe you did already. Or...this same person had a feedback rating of 397 with no bad marks, a very responsible buyer indeed, but now you are going to give him the benefit of the doubt because "he went on vacation"...or "I think he got sick"...I better wait a bit more.. . Anyway, although you may be right in your convictions about feedback, sub-consciously, that feedback is VERY VERY important. So how's that guy going to get off of that goshdarn feedback rating of 2 because no one will give him any making him look bad....how am I ever going to get that 397 feedback rating so no one has to doubt my checks or late payment??....just another opinion in this big world.