There are many new members as well as new Silver Strike Collectors these last few years who post on strike point and I would like to tell you about the Silver Strikers Club. The Silver Strikers Club is from the main club Casinos Chips and Gaming Tokens Collectors Club. Our By Laws and foundation are from

. They have supported us these last 10 years with our club table on the convention floor, our guest speaker for our forum is always a guest at the early bird banquet, we have a room given to us every Thursday during convention for our club meeting and forum. All trade sessions are open to strikers to have their own strike tables. They are the backbone of the Silver Strikers Club, the Slot Card club, Tokens Club and more. Both the chipboard and strikepoint are

operated and maintain by

Greg who over these last years as donated many hours for these two message boards.
Please remember

are a very important part of the Silver Strikers Club just as we are a very important to

. is the only web site that is paid for and maintain by the Silver Strikers Club. There we have information about silver strikes, our club, a catalog of most strikes minted in the U.S. and much more. From

, strikepoint, the Silver Strike Club, and are important to all collectors of silver strikes. Each share a small part of making our club a little better, just as the support of our membership is what makes our club great.