here are a few SIMPLE ways. say you are buying 50 strikes the seller wants 50.00 ship that is 1.00 each. you say not bad. you find out priorty ship cost them 40.00 we will say so they pocket 10.00 .now you can ship the same strikes MEDIA mail cost is 9.00 that leaves 41.00 left over so you tell buyer you will give them 20.00 to ship . they make 11.00 profit and you really save 30.00 . on a HIGH $ strike like we will say a treasure island 40.00 cost of stike with 1,300.00 insurance would cost you 22.00 now to beat this have them send it registered mail cost is 8.00 and it will never get LOST so you save 14.00 i can give you all kinds of small tips to save you HEAVY ship fees! and how to beat the sellers that over charge!