
where are the $200 traders hiding
I only recently started collecting the $200 strikes. Thanks to some very nice strikers at last years slot tournament, I was
able to get several of them. I've decided to only collect $200s issued by the Four Queens and .999 Red caps, especially
since the Four Queens has been so supportive of the strike program and do such a great job at the tournament.
Now, here's my question. I have 23 $10 .999 strikes (some Reno, all Nevada and most in air-tites) that I would like to trade (specifically) for a $200 2007 (or 2008) Four Queens Halloween. Shirley wants it! Having never sold (or traded, for that matter) a single strike except for the tournament, would there be any interest in this? I wanted to check before I hauled them all the way across the country for the trade session. I can post a list of the strikes if anyone is interested. We are really looking forward to the slot tournament, only three weeks away!