I have several Silver Strikes from ST. Maarten and Aruba for sale. For $15 plus $2.50 shipping for the first strike and .50 for each additional strike
Crystal Casino Seaport Village GDC .999 Rim
Royal Cabana Couple Dancing G .999 Rim
ST. Maarten
Casino Royale "Best Bet in Town" S .999 In
Diamond Casino Ladies Head S .999 In
ST. Maarten ($20)
Casino Royale "Best Bet in Town" GDC .999 In
Atlantis Slot Machine GDC .999 In
Please email me do not post on board. If you would
like a scan of any of the strikes let me know.
Thanks and Happy New Year!!
Mike Phillips
CC+GTCC R-4676
Silver Strikers SS-209