Sam's Town prototype pictures of the Next "Mystic Park Falls" issues. The $10 strikes
had a brass ring with .999 fine silver inserts. However the $10 Mountain Lion & Mule Deer Fawn were on the NV Gaming Ccommissions Oct. approval list as "two piece SS?BC. The BC stands for brass clad. We will have to wait & see what happens.
The Animals on the $200 strike, the Wolf, Bighorn Sheep, Bald Eagle & Grizzly Bear Have been or will be issued as red caps. The Grizzly Bear should be the Next red cap to go in play as the other three have already been issued.
I also have Sunshine Mints art work for the following Mystic Falls Park series which have not gone into play: Chipmunk, Squirrel, & Woodecker.
I want to thank the O'Neals for posting everything. Richard Anderson SS310