As all of the orginal attendees to the 1st Silver Strikers Club meeting to form the Silver Strikers Club. Get older and their memory gets weaker or even lost. And unfortunally the time comes for them to go to their maker. Not to forget the possiballity of any already written information getting misplaced or lost. Maybe now in someones home & personal papers or belongings.
I am concerned that this very important part of the Silver Strikers Club history will be lost forever. Never to be known as to what is the facts & events relating to this 1st Silvers Strikers Club meeting.
This is the reason for offering to place a article in the next SS Club newsletter
If a article is being written on the 1st SS meeting please let me know. So we can plan space for it in the next club newsletter.
Please Remember -- December 1st is the deadline for the next newsletter. If it is felt a little more time is needed for this article. Please email me and Iwe will see what can be done.
Thank you all,