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The Strike Point Archive 01

1 More& Final Time-I am asking for NL article from

1 or more of the --orginal or CHARTER ???--- members to write a Newsletter article on this 1st meeting. What would be just great --- is that several of the members at the 1st Silver Strikers meeting. Would work with each other to write this Newsletter article for the next SS Club newsletter. This way someone might would remember something from that meeting that someone else forgot. Because of space limitations the article can not be longer then 2 newsletter pages long. If someone would have a picture or 2 of the meeting that would be fantastic. The orginal list would be super great. Remember --- December 1st is the deadline for newsletter articles for the next newsletter. The article for the newsletter can be sent to me.

I have seen or recieved a few bits & pieces from here or there saying it was OK to use in the newsletter. BUT I was not there so I can not write the article. The persons who was there is the ones to write the article.

I have read that some persons think that they or someone else got the shaft. While I had no control of the way things was done during & just after this 1st Silver Strikers meeting. I feel these charter member persons should have the opportunity to be heard or in this case read. SO here is the chance for these persons to set the record straight. At least as best as it can be done about 10 years later.

I have already recieved a email from 1 orginal/charter member saying he was to "old" to write anything & he doesn't remember anything. I do not believe from reading the postings on this subject. That everybody who was there is too "old" and can't remember anything.

One More Thing - or requirements if you want to call it that --- the newsletter article MUST have the writers name or names on it. Also the writer or writers whos name appeares on the article must be SS club members. The article can not be written anonymously. And please no attacking anybody.

Like a part of the marriage vows say " speak up now or forever hold your peace".

Thanks to all of the orginal/charter members for starting the SS Club,


Copyright 2022 David Spragg