Just send the 1st meeting article to me Dan Hanagriff eather by email or if you prefur by PO mail. I will take a look at it and see if we can find a place for it in the next SS club newsletter. Remember the deadline date for putting things in the next club newsletter is----December 1st----. Please remember that the newsletter has a limited amount of space. Email me if you have any questions.
Skip here is YOUR & the OTHERS chance to enlighten everybody else about that 1st meeting and who attended.
The newsletter article could contain briefly of the things that was said, who headed the meeting, how the idea came up to meet, how many attended, any decisions made, just about anything else pretaining to that 1st SS meeting. I know that was LONG TIME AGO and somethings are forgotten but put some or all of the attending heads together. And this should be a very interesting newsletter article.