Hi there,
I just got back from a fun weekend at South Lake Tahoe.
I think I was very lucky, I managed to get all 4 of the Caesar Strikes. #3 was a pain in the a$$. I ended up dumping 20 dollars, got two duplicates, traded them in, spent 20 more, got nothing, got up to go the other machine, but some woman was on it with 250+ credits, and wasn't leaving anytime soon.
I tried to talk the coin booth into trading me one, but they wouldn't do it.
I went back to my original machine, put 20 more into it, for a net 40, and managed to get FOUR coins out, including 2 #3's. I traded the dupes, kept my #3, and walked out of there only 10 dollars down.
I also picked up one of the Bill's Casino Anniversary strikes as well as three more Harveys strikes. I have four of the harveys now in my collection. Anyone know how many there are? 8?
Wound up at the Craps table at Horizon after that until 4:30 in the morning with 60 bucks. My g/f was really mad that I was out so late until I showed her the $650 dollars I won in those 4 hours.
Anyway, was a fun trip. Anyone know what the Caesars complete collection is worth?