YoU aRe sUcH lOsErS YeA iS Me RiChArD ? hA hA yOu HaVe To BlAmE sOmE oNe OR iS it TeD, oR dEnNiS oR iS iT a GiRl ChIpEr? jUsT kEpT rEaDiNg!! watCH aLl ThE sTrIkEs fAlL iM nOt A cREEP, jUsT tElLiNg YoU tHe TrUtH, nO pRoFiT iN sTrIkE mAcHiNeS, aLl CaSiNoS ARE ARE DROPING THE STRIKE MAChInEs CoMe On ArChIe WhAtIs mY iP oLd MaN, wHy DoNt you tell all the StRiKe collectors ANd ThE cHiPeRs aBoUt yOuR pAsT?? nOt PrEtTy iS iT , woww your a bad apple arent you