Hello Tokeneer, it's as easy as it sounds...each bid will receive a card after the $5 minimum is reached. Ex. If an auction starts at $5.00, the first bid receives a card. When the next bid is placed, ($5.25 or higher) that bid also receives a card. There is an exception if you are the same bidder that placed the original bid,but if you are out-bid...then you re-bid on the same item...you get another card.
As for the proxy situation, when you place a proxy bid, you get only 1 card...unless you are out-bid...then re-bid.
We had to make that stipulation because if: A bidder placed a proxy bid of $100 on an item that started at $10...he would receive 180 cards. So to keep it fair to everyone...we decided to limit the cards in a proxy situation.
This is a LIVE BETA test, we plan on tweaking the program as we see how it goes. We have been doing in-house beta tests for 4 weeks now...but things do happen, and we are ready for it.
Thanks Tokeneer, your input is appreciated,
Dan at Jackpot!