Norm wrote.......
"Are you a betting man. I say the collectors will pay more for the strike in the unbroken sealed container and many collectors will not buy the strikes if the seal is broken."
Andy wrote.......
"As I said........I think they will put them in airtites. Time will tell."
Looks like I'm going to side with Norm on this point. At least in the long run. I've seen some silly stuff when it comes to collecting items in sealed packages.
The perfect example is toys. Originally collectors went after toys still mounted on the display cards because that insured that the toy would be in mint condition. Somewhere along the line things went screwy and now the focus is more on the condition of the packaging and not the toy inside! A kind of non-formal slabbing.
Is it easier to remove an action figure or toy metal car from its bubble-card package and store it in a hard, transparent container? Yes. Do collectors feel this drops the value dramatically? Hell yes!
As long as silver strikes came in unsealed containers there hasn't been any apprehension about storing them in a safer environment (air-tights or replacing cracked holders).
Things are about to change for the worse, I fear.