Our lives change constantly and how we handle change makes us what we are, what we become, how we feel and what we will do in the future. There are changes in our lives that we can control and many that we cannot. The changes that the strike program is experiencing is beyond our control but how we each handle the situation is.
Right now Nevada Gaming and the mint is in control but we do have four very special people in four very special casinos working hard at continuing a good strike program for all collectors.
Strikes are just a small part of their casinos and we are very forunate that these four people care so much about the strike program and work so hard to continue it. They spend their time listening to us, working with us and a lot of time creating great art work for their strikes. I have recieved a couple of phone calls because of all the negative posts this board has had lately.
Please try to keep a positive attitude with this situation.
When posts are made about when strikes will be out or news and events we get there should not be negative posts about from the horses mouth or why to casinos didn't post it. Please don't expect the casinos to spend time reading this message board and to post here information for us. That is not their job or responsibility nor do they have the time. Strike machines are just a small part of their casino, be thankful for all the time they do give to the strike program. As for the casinos demanding to keep .999 or going to a $20 or $40 strike, this is not their decision. Don't you think they have suggested that and many other options as well? There is more to the strike program that just us collectors and believe me not to many of us are big time gamblers. I know that we think we are such an important part of the strike program but remember we are just a small part of this group of tourists, Nevada Gaming, the mint and casinos.
I know change can be hard but right now try to keep a positve attitude, lets see how things are going to work out, I really don't know what I will do in the future but time will tell. I am waiting till the change is there and what strikes will be in the strike machines and then make I will make my decision if I want to play the strike machine or not.
I hope to be posting on the web site by the end of the week about the strikes that could possibly be coming out for Halloween. They are working on another big $200 release for that week end but only the Four Queens is a definite at this point.