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The Strike Point Archive 01

rofl Let's Trade rofl

Hi All,
Let's Trade!!!! Please e-mail me your trade lists if interested. I also have a want list at the bottom of this page.
Thx. Von

Von�s Trade List 8/14/02
Nevada Strikes
$20 Diamondfield Jack - Jackpot NV (last one)
$10 Las Vegas Club � Twin Towers
$10 Gold Coast - Twin Towers
$10 Las Vegas Club � Jackie�s 81st Birthday
$10 Red Garter � Lady
$10 Red Garter - Stagecoach � Newer design
$10 Stateline � Jet Car, Wendover, NV
$10 Stateline � Fighting Horses, Wendover, NV
$10 SilverSmith � Calf Roping
$10 SilverSmith � Hotel/Casino
$10 Bally�s � Tribute to America�s everday working heroes 2002
$10 Bally�s � Flag 2002
$10 Imperial Palace � A tribute to America�s heroes
$10 Plaza � Fireman # 1 of 3
$10 Plaza � Flag # 2 of 3
$10 Plaza � Statue of Liberty #3 of 3
$10 Caesar�s Palace � Winged Victory
$10 Main Street Station
$10 Excalibur � Jousting Knight
$10 Eldorado � Hotel
$10 The Mirage - Hotel
$10 Main Street - Empire State Express 1893
$10 Sahara - Standing Genie
$10 Jackpot - Pony Express Rider
$10 Suncoast � Twin Towers
$10 Suncoast � Let Freedom Ring
$10 Suncoast � In Memory
$10 Railroad Pass � Train
$10 Boulder Station - Train
$10 Stateline - Goldenrod
$10 O'Sheas - Christmas 2001
$10 Delta Saloon - St. Mary's Church & Train
$10 Peppermill - Eagle/Flag
$10 Bellagio - Christmas Tree
$10 Bellagio - Thanksgiving
$07 Harrah�s Cactus

Non-Nevada Strikes -

$20 Grand Casino � State of Louisiana
$10 Winnevegas 1996 � Big Tree � Kiowa
$10 Rainbow Casino & Bingo 1995 � Deer (weird toning on front)
$10 Wyatt Earp � Lawman Series
$10 Traverse Bay - Have all 5

Want List
$10 Gold Country - Assayer
$10 Trop World - Pony Express
$10 Nevada Landing - Riverboat Gambler
$10 Sheraton Space Series - Galelio & Apollo
$10 Mandalay Bay - Alligator
$10 Caesars Atlantic City - Liberty Bell, Paul Revere, Sprit of '76, Tomb of unknown Soldier, Iwo Jima Memorial, Vietnam Vet's Memorial.
$10 California - Hawaii, Lanai, Maui, Kauai
$20 Hard Rock - BeetleBass, Flying V, The Joint & Mr. Lucky's
$10 Mesquite Star - Any
$10 Bellagio - Chinese New Year
$10 Reno Tahoe - P-51D Mustang 1998 & 1995
$10 Hacienda - Any
$40 Nevada Landing - Riverboat Gambler

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rofl Let's Trade rofl
Re: rofl Let's Trade rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg