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The Strike Point Archive 01

My thoughts Dan at Jackpot

Yes, I have been reading the board, but I have been a little too busy to post lately. Here are my thoughts on all the recent comments:

(1) Norman Clem:
Norman Clem speaks for Norman Clem, and not for
I love Norman like a brother, but we have many differences of opinion. He has the right to speak HIS mind, but none of his rhetoric should be confused as being, in any way, the opinion of
(2) Our decision: has already made our statement concerning Bbm's actions, (and future) at Jackpot perfectly clear, and we are sticking to it...PERIOD.
I have received, (and answered) a nearly overwhelming amount of emails about this situation...some of which, surprisingly was in support of Richard being re-instated. But, the great majority were in support of our decision. I thank all of you that took the time to send me an email expressing your feelings, it is appreciated.
(3) Ebay policy vs. Jackpot Policy:
Ebay has their rules, and Jackpot has it's rules. Each company has its own way of dealing with infractions to those rules.
We realize that our decision has cost us profits, but we have a deeper connection with the collectors. We are collectors ourselves, we know many of our customers personally, we see them at the shows, and our commitment to all of our users runs much deeper than dollars.
(4) My opinion:
I have always let my conscience be my guide, I refuse to let the dollars or profits affect my doing what I know is right. Our rules and policies are very clear when it comes to shill-bidding or auction manipulation. Richard knew this, and while I suspect that his actions were more of a "defensive bidding" rather than a scheme to over-inflate the closing prices...his actions were in clear violation of our policy. Therefore, our reaction should have be of no surprise to anyone.
(5) Norman's "3 strikes and your out"
This is Normans opinion, carried over from baseball...this is not baseball we are playing, this is an online auction site that requires trust and security to live. There are many instances in life where you get one chance only, we gave 2 chances...2 strikes and your out.
(6) The bickering:
Some people just love to bicker, the way I see it..."to each their own". Personally, I would rather have a constructive conversation. I will leave the bickering to those that wish to do so.
(7) A thank you:
I fully understand how hard it is to be a voice, (or ear) of reason in a hectic situation, and I would like to thank all of the writers and readers on this BB for tolerating the comments of others. We all have different opinions, that's what makes this world great. And while I don't agree with all the comments, I do accept that our community is made up of a very diverse collection of individuals. I applaud Greg Susong for providing this forum...and for keeping it free, (in every meaning of the word).
(8) The stories:
I just love all the collecting stories people have been posting, it really makes my day.
I will be narrowing down the choices to 5 stories, I will post all 5 together, and let the readers decide the winner of the $40 Caesars Strike.
(9) My promise to all of you:
I will continue to run to the best of my ability, assuring everyone a safe and secure auction venue that is committed to meeting the needs of all of our users. I am always just an email away, and I will respond to all inquires. I may not be able to accomodate each users requests...but you can count on getting a prompt and honest answer.
The share-holders of Jackpot have en-trusted me as operations manager, with the final decision on all matters. This is not a responsibilty I asked for, it is one that was asked of me.
If that situation ever changes, I will step down immediately.
(10) Another Thank you:
We at Jackpot support you, the collector...and we truly appreciate the support you have shown us. We will work hard to keep that support, and hope that when you think Silver Strikes and Casino Chips, you will think Jackpot!
Thank you all for your time,
Dan at Jackpot!

Messages In This Thread

My thoughts Dan at Jackpot
Re: Terrific Post Dan. Thanks. *eom*
Re: My thoughts Dan at Jackpot

Copyright 2022 David Spragg