The Strike Point
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The Strike Point Archive 01

Well, well, well...

I was encouraged to see jackpotauctions stand up for what was right. I was glad to see this BB going good again. Now, it seems that a few are second guessing themselves. Never be afraid to stand up for what is right, then never be afraid to hold that position. Shilling against people you know is about the worst type of fraud I can think of. Hasn't anyone been watching the stock market lately. What kind of person steals from friends and associates. That is what shilling is. This issue is nothing personal about anyone. It is a about the simple idea of right and wrong. The idea that there is a price to pay for wrongdoing. As you all can tell I believe in personal accountability. I save my sympathy for those who need it. Not those who abuse others. I applaud those with a backbone who don't mind taking the side of right even if it does not profit them financially. Get real, a second chance was sympathy-a third is ignorance.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg