Chuck & Norm,
Richard had his second chance & ignored what & Dan told him! He does NOT deserve a THIRD chance at
. If Dan lets him back on
after what he wrote below then he &
lose ALL credibility with a LOT of people. I don't see that ever happening though as Dan has the common sense to stand by his decision. Andy - Las Vegas
>>>>>We have received several allegations of shill-bidding and auction manipulation concerning the auctions run by Bbm recently. We have been investigating these allegations for over a week now. With the new information supplied by Andy Hughes, combined with other information that was un-covered this morning....prove beyond ANY shadow of a doubt that Bbm has indeed been manipulating his auctions since July 2, 2002. All the pieces to the puzzle now fit together.
His account has been terminated at Jackpot, along with 5 other accounts that have been connected to the shill-bidding activity. All of his auctions are being closed immediately, and he will not be permitted to ever list, or bid on another auction at
Our system routinely cross-references user data and flags suspicious activity such as common email addresses, common ISPs, common addresses, phone numbers, etc. This particular account holder went to great lengths to conceal these multiple accounts...using anonymous email accounts and fraudulent user information to try and fool the system.
We at Jackpot do not tolerate ANY abuse of our site, it is unfortunate that so many people have been affected by the activities of Bbm. We will be sending emails to all the leading bidders of Bbm's auctions explaining why these auctions have been closed.
The information supplied to us by Andy Hughes has been confirmed, and I would like to express my appreciation to Andy for working so hard to furnish this info in order to protect all of us.
Shill-bidding and/or auction manipulation is NOT AN OPTION at Jackpot, it is exactly the same as stealing...and will never be tolerated in any way, shape, or form at Jackpot.
We have all heard of the shill-bidding allegations on ebay by Rickerbbm...and I would sincerely hope that ebay takes these allegations as seriously as we do, and takes the appropriate actions in order to provide a safe and secure trading environment for everyone.
There may be those of you that think that our actions are too harsh, or that we should give Bbm a warning first... but let me explain:
When we first started last June...Richard was one of our first sellers, (using his ebay name of Rickerbbm). We had similar problems with him...and he was warned...then became the 1st user to be suspended at Jackpot.
Just as any online auction house would do, after the suspension expired...he was given a second chance. That chance is now over, he is now permanently expelled from Jackpot.
Will we miss his listings?, of course...but we will not tolerate these actions just for the sake of listings or profits.
When it comes to integrity, I want all of you to know that you can count on Jackpot. Our number 1 priority is security...and nothing is going to change that.
Of course, we will still complete our obligation to Normania38...the winner of the Twin Towers and the 2 Blue Caps...and I would hope the Richard fulfills his promise of the additional 10 strikes. However, if Richard does not...I will personally pull 10 strikes from my collection and give the to Normania38.
I would like to thank everyone for their understanding in this difficult matter.
Thank you for your time,
Dan at Jackpot!