The last two or three versions of worms/virus have the ability to read from someones computer and spoof an address. I have recieved messages back, from people I never sent to, and also got one from myself on a second account I have for web managing. This all happened on a weekend when I was out of town and my computer was never turned on for four days!
So when you get an email with a virus or worm attached, and it's got a return address of someone from the chip board or strike collectors, (or elsewhere) that is NOT the person who sent it. It's likely that the person sending it, doesn't even know.
First of all, get antivirus software. It's cheap protection. Never open or run an attachment, even if it's from someone you know, unless you know what it is or why they are sending it. Turn off prieview, get the latest update FREE ONLINE from Microsoft.
For those who are bold and want to be independent and almost totaly protected, run Netscape, Communicator, or Opera, for your mail, because it isn't full of holes and back doors. Almost all attacks are aimed at Microsoft Internet Software, because more people use it, than anything else.
But most of all, before you jump to a conclusion, remember the person who sent the virus, didn't know they did, and the return address is a fake.