My best day on a machine: Put in a $20 at Golden Gate. At the end of the session I had $240 and 14 strikes. I complained to the manager that they were all the old strikes, none of the new ones. So he agreed to make me some trades and I got five Golden Gate Bridges and two Trolleys to go with seven old CC mint strikes.
Worst day at a machine: Stardust, Over $100 for one of the most common $10s.
Best auction bid: During the 1998 convention, I was lucky enough to get a $40 Reno Airport for $42 plus postage. Listed in a wrong category, everyone else was busy.
Worst auction bid: Any one I needed and didn't bid enough.
Best bid never made: Any auction by BBM.
Best buy: Relatively new collector, found a chip dealer in Tunica area. He sent me a list simply stating casino name and type os strike. I ordered a bunch of strikes, averaging $15-$16 plus postage. When they arrived. I had a 1995 Riviera Comedy Club, a 1995 Riviera plain La Cage, a Hoover Dam error (don't remember which type) and a Sierra 76 Peterbilt. I reordered but never got any more steals.
Worst buy: Same dealer, couple of orders later, Delay in shipping so I called and he said my order had been ready to go but he brought it with him to a show and it was stolen. I have never been able to locate him again. I lost about $200.