Ok, I swore I would take this story to my grave but here goes. I am sure most of you remember initail feeding frenzy that insued when the 4-Queens removed their Strike machines a couple of years ago. Being the conservative that I am I was going to stand clear of the mayhem and let the smoke clear. Well, enter one Friday night my 4 year old grandson was visiting and we were surfing e-bay for Strikes when a 4-Queens turns up with a low starting bid. We placed a token $40.00 bid on the Strike even though they were going for $100+ at the time. Hey,you never know.
The next morning I check e-bay knowing that I had probably lost the auction only to find that I had indeed won the Strike. BUT MY WINNING BID WAS $142.00. I rechecked my auction only to find that I had actually bid $4,000.00.
The moral of this story is three fold: never bid with a 4 year old in your lap, never bid with 4 VO's in your system, and watch those tricky decimal points.