Actually Ivan unless it takes a last minute turn directly in my direction. Is forcast to only send us here in Southwest Louisiana tropical storm winds and A LOT of rain. It should all be over by late saturday evening. I will probally lose electricty & home telephone for a few days. SO I will most likely be off the air till the telephone lines are back up & working. I need these for my computer. I will probally still have my cell service but I am not sure about this. I will wait and see and learn about cell service for next time a storm comes.
My only conern is if a tornado is created by the hurricane at my house. However I am not especially concerned about the hurricane. This is just a part if living here in Southwest Louisiana.
Which is not much different from where others live. EVERYBODY has something to worry about & deal with where thay live. Wheather it's floods, earthquakes, mud slides, possiballity every year of many tornados, heat, and the list goes on & on. At least with a hurricane I will know its coming and can prepare for it.
I WILL BE BACK AFTER HURRICANE IVAN PASSES. I will post on Strike point when I am back on the air.
SEE YOU ALL THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan from Louisian