Have a better idea? How about I run my auctions the way I want to run them? And you stick a shoe in it? I like that
Idea alot better, you don't know how the gold gifts can be free? Are you just plan stupid? Can you read what the
Auction says? Boy everyone just wants to jump on my bandwagon? Guess what its full no more room ! 2 days ago I
Sold 2-$10 strikes for $66 and they where worth between $45-$55 the winner got a 14kt sold gold pendant weighs
Over 1/2 ounce! Its sells on ebay when I list it for $120-$160 I have sold a dozen or more that where that same size,
So do you understand what free is now? Ill try it again for you and speak slower maybe I went to fast the first
Time , i---- sold---- a --- strike --- on--- jackpot --- 2 ---- days---- ago--- for --- $51.00 ---- the---- strike----- was----- worth---- $40-$50
----- the winner---- got---- a ----- 14kt------ solid----- gold ----- lady's---- nugget ---- ring ---- worth ---- $79.00---- now---- do----
You----- understand ------ what------ free---- is----- I ---- hope---- sooooo!!!----
Stay off the wagon!! Sorry, stay----- off--- the------ wagon --!-- !--- ! --
I ---love---you
Your super selling strike buddy