OK, I have to admit that it was all my fault....uploading the Lucky Number at this time was a bad decision on my part...everybody was trying to get into the site and could not gain access.
I was doing the upload from my personal computer...and while it was uploading, I lost my connection, (darn dial up)...then I had to wait for a re-set before I could re-upload.
I sincerely apologize for the bad timing, it was me and my home computer...and not the Jackpot system.
In an attempt to make it up to all of our valued users...I am offering a VERY VERY nice item for whoever wins the most items in the next 10 days on Richards auctions at Jackpot. This will come right out of my pocket, since it was my mistake....here it is:
The BLUE Capsule Twin Towers...that's right...the GOOD ONE!
Just win the most auctions from Bbm:
in the next 10 days:
4:00 pm EST 7/08/02 to 4:00 pm EST 7/18/02
and you will receive the Blue Twin Towers absolutely free!
Why Richards auctions? Because he has a lot of nice strikes up there...and he just let me know that he will be listing a bunch more, (both rare and commons)...so this way...everybody has a chance at the bonus!
Good Luck everyone, and again, I apologize to all of you,
Dan at Jackpot!