I vote #4 on HSP

I am a long time collector and charter member of the club and a past president. I think HSP is a big mistake because it will run some people out of the hobby. Anything that runs off collectors is bad news for our small club and something I don't want to see happen. Why not switch the strikes to .900 silver. This would lower the cost of strikes by at least 10% or about $2.00 and make the price in line with the cost of the strikes produced about two years ago. They would still retain most of the silver value that strikes have today. I have in my collection several HSP strikes from cruise lines and they don't hold up very well and most of them you find that have any age on them are in bad shape and as said earlier they can not be repaired or cleaned as .999 silver or even .900 silver can be. I don't like the idea of HSP strikes at all and think I will stop collecting if they switch to HSP. I don't know what the rest of you think but I do know that as long as strikes have real silver in them that ten or even twenty years from now even if the hobby is gone, the strikes can be sold and I can recover some of the large investment I have put in this great hobby. If we had a bunch of HSP brass plated tokens sitting in a safe for twenty years after the hobby was gone they would be worthless. If they are silver they have real value and hold that silver value forever.