Kirk and John. Ebay gets ALL their money from the sellers, not the buyers. Just look at all the programs they have to help sellers learn what to sell, how to sell and how to get items to sell. Doing away with sellers ability to leave negative feedback to buyers was one of the few things they have done in recent years to help buyers and that was only because of all the sellers that more and more often were REQUIRING a buyer to leave feedback FIRST and then they could leave retaliation feedback. It is still not perfect because I agree (gulp) with Kirt that there needs to be a away to leave negative feedback for bad buyers but it had gotten out of hand the other way. The only job of a buyer is to PAY the bid price and the stated shipping in a timely fashion and then they should get a positive. IT is usually pretty easy to spot the sellers who have NEVER run a retail store of any kind because they have all the "YOU CAN'T DO THIS" and "YOU CAN'T DO THATS" in their ads. They want to be PAID the way that pleases them, not what may be most convenient for the buyer. They want to SHIP the way most convenient for them and not the way the buyer wants. I worked RETAIL for 35 years and you have to put up with a lot of CR*P from the public. Bad checks galore, complaints, shoplifting, slip & fall scams and a host of other things. EBAY IS SUCH AN EASY WAY TO SELL. They are certainly not perfect and I think they may be getting top heavy in their management and have to keep charging more because of it. I think that will open some doors for competitors in the future and you will see some success in specialization auctions first like JACKPOT and later you may see some less expensive general auction places get a foothold in and start doing well. I STRONGLY encourage strikers to buy from JACKPOT whenever posible and to LIST some items there every once in awhile. For now, however, eBay has the buyers and if you want to sell you have to go to the buyers. Never forget Marketing 101, "if you want it to sell, make it easy to buy"