I received my club strike today also.It is just beautifull.Jo,you did a great job designing it.Judy & Don,THANKS for taking on the job of getting them ready & mailing them to all of us.Jeff,you did a great job too.I also want to say "Thank You" to all the club officer's for the good job they have done and are doing now.I know they don't get too many thank you's, but do get a lot of butt chewing's & gripes.Some people you just can't please, no matter what you say or do.For the most part,we have a great club & great people who run it and almost all the members are also great.I have enjoyed making a lot of friends--Old & New--and look forward to seeing all of them a couple of times a year.Has anyone heard or does anyone know when the 2009 convention will be and where it will be held?
Thanks Larry Jones SS# 709