Re: all part of vegas for animal lovers only 2 1

sorry many of you think of me as such
a @SSHOLE BUT i have had many hard times in my life..
more than others losing my girlfriend for 12+ years
and being shot in the head my only thing in life
now is animals ... i think back of all the years
i was a sorry excuse for a human being !!
i have come to realize that i DON'T need any one or thing...
being 43 yrs old if can help animals that are helpless and need care
i will do it! i can relate to them more so than humans so call me NUTS!
yes every one needs somebuddy BUT my animals never EVER give me a hard time!
this is why i do what i do for animals ....
anyone interested in see PROFF of Vet bills ect per month
i will show you! e-bay sales are for my KIDS .. AND Not
to line my pockets for ca$h! Peace out THANK YOU!