I think that is a great idea. I hope this year its possible for a better turn out than in the past.
The last two years when I was President, the Board sent out special invitations via postal mail to all the casinos and casinos manager and personally invited them to attend our Forum, tickets were available to the convention floor as well as our trade sessions and parties on Friday night. You must remember these people spend all day and some of their nights in casinos, I think they must really enjoy their time off.
I will say we did have a good turn out from the Palms at the convention floor from Don Hallmark and Gene Trimble. They always came on their own and it was a pleasure to see them and talk with them while they were there.
We have always tried to get support from the casino managers. That is why last year we did have plaques made for the casinos for our winners of Hall of Fame and Strike of the Year.
It is a good idea to continue keeping the door open.